Your data and privacy is our priority
At , we understand that the information that you provide through this online platform is sensitive, confidential and private and as such the information is used by us as part of a solicitor-client relationship that is confidential and private and subject to legal professional privilege and the ethical rules of conduct prescribed under the Legal profession uniform law.

Further, our software platform that gathers your information maintains the highest data security and privacy standards that have been approved by Xero in line with the ATO data security guidelines. All data transactions occur over a secure transit layer (SSL) and only lawyers and their nominated personnel can access your data with a Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) method. Our data is stored at Microsoft Azure Australian-based data centre (Port Melbourne) that carries the following internal data security controls and Data centre certificates: ISO 27001, ISO 27018, SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC3, FedRAMP, HITRUST, MTCS, IRAP and ENS.

Not sure? Please feel free to call our office at +61 1 2345 6789
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